LCSEE Ubuntu Linux Shell and Software Servers (Faculty/Staff)

The LCSEE Shell and Software Servers provide many applications and development environments. Several courses require the use of the shell and application servers for writing and compiling code. The servers are accessible from outside of the WVU network providing a means for faculty, staff, and students to access applications remotely.

The shell and application servers also provide a means to copy files to Legacy home directories and cLOUD Storage, such as the files that makeup a web page. You can connect to these servers a couple different ways.

Various Shell Environments

Faculty members have access to multiple shell environments as technologies and services have changed over the years. Please note the following:

Shell - - Uses WVU Login and no network storage

Legacy Shell - dmzlegacyshell001, - Uses LCSEE Account, Access to Home Directories

Precise Shell - - Uses WVU Login, Access to cLOUD Home for Faculty

Visit our Shell Servers page for the updated list of currently available servers.

Additional instructions, such as those for transferring files and running remote X applications, can be found in the Shell Servers FAQ